NCBA’s Successful 2022 Virtual Hill Day


On Tuesday of this week, NCBA’s Annual Hill Day included meetings with Members of Congress and their staffs from both sides of the aisle and from both the House and Senate. This event was a great success because of the participation of more than 2 dozen NCBA member attorneys who participated. We were particularly encouraged to see NCBA members from across the country meet their Members of Congress and staff, in some cases establishing a dialogue for the first time. We also want to acknowledge and thank this year’s Hill Day sponsors: KnovaOne and AACANet.

With the multitude of legislative, judicial, and regulatory issues facing our practice area, our robust advocacy strategy is more important than ever. As an overarching theme our participants noted NCBA’s steadfast support for the independence of the practice of law and the integral role creditors rights law firms play in the greater credit ecosystem. We also were proud to highlight NCBA member firms’ hardship accommodation programs and protections for consumers throughout the pandemic.

Finally, we fielded questions and requests for additional information. Specifically, Members of Congress would be interested in knowing more examples where FDCPA regulation infringes on the court’s authority to license and discipline attorneys. Please reach out to to learn more and if you have examples.

While our successful NCBA Hill Day has concluded, our advocacy efforts continue. We will build on this momentum and continue to be a voice for our members. To support our advocacy, please consider contributions to the NCBA-PAC and/or Advocacy Support Fund.