Media Contact

For press information, contact National Creditors Bar Association's Executive Director:

Liz Terry, Executive Director
National Creditors Bar Association
Direct: 202.861.0706

Submit an Article to NCBA Weekly Journal 

Have something relevant to say in the field of creditors rights law? We welcome you to submit your original articles for consideration in an upcoming issue of NCBA Weekly Journal.  

Please submit articles to

Guidelines for submitting articles for consideration in NCBA Weekly Journal

National Creditors Bar Association (“Association”) accepts original articles from Association members and creditors rights industry experts for consideration of publication in NCBA Weekly Journal. Following are guidelines for an article that will be considered for publication:

  • Articles should be of interest to Association members, promote and be representative of Association professional values, and can be educational or offer commentary.
  • Articles that overtly promote a product, service or vendor or have a strong marketing tone will not be considered.
  • Articles should be non-defamatory.
  • An appropriate article should be 500 – 1,000 words in length.
  • The content should be your original work, with any content from outside sources appropriately cited.
  • All accepted articles are subject to editing for style and substance.
  • Headlines and attached images and their captions are subject to change.
  • Articles may or may not be promoted on our website, in our newsletter, at our Conferences and via our social feeds.
  • National Creditors Bar Association does not offer payment for contributed articles.

Please submit articles to