CLE Process

National Creditors Bar Association is a national provider of legal educational content. NCBA’s goal is to provide its members with as many opportunities as possible to earn Continuing Legal Education (CLE) credits. Some NCBA CLE programs state that they are pending approval. If programming is pending approval, it means that NCBA’s education staff is awaiting confirmation of approval for CLE credit from the accrediting body of a particular state; it should be noted that individual states have different response and approval rates. NCBA expects that the course will be approved for the credit amount and type listed, but approval is not guaranteed. An attorney can still take the course at their own discretion, though.

It is not uncommon for a course which is pending approval to not be approved until after the program has taken place. Once an official decision notice arrives from the state/jurisdiction,  will notify attorneys who have completed the course and submitted their affidavit, as soon as possible via email. Certificates of completion will be reissued, to reflect the updated state/jurisdiction reporting numbers. However, it is recommended that attorneys do not participate in programs that are pending approval close to their CLE deadline, as NCBA cannot guarantee that a program will be approved in time.

National Creditors Bar Association will seek MCLE accreditation, with the assistance of the ABA MCLE, for all programs. NCBA will seek General CLE credit hours in 60-minute-hour states, and in 50-minute states, subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules. States typically decide whether a program qualifies for MCLE credit in their jurisdiction 4-8 weeks after the program application is submitted. For many live events, credit approval is not received prior to the program. An affidavit link for CLE requests will be provided to attendees who have met the attendance and engagement requirements. 

MCLE Rules by Jurisdiction

Live Webinar CLE Process | CLE on Demand Process | Conference CLE Process

Live Webinar CLE Process

If you are requesting CLE for a live webinar:

  • You must sign-in and view the webinar with your individual unique login. Each webinar has a unique login associated to you and your email. Dial-in by phone only does not qualify for CLE measurement of attendance and engagement.
  • You will be required to meet the standards that your state has defined. Most states require that you be present for a defined amount of time, i.e. 50 minutes. The NCBA webinar system, GoToWebinar, measures your individual attendance time. Viewing as a group only allows the participant with the email associated with the login to receive CLE.
  • You are also required to submit the CLE code mentioned in the webinar to verify engagement. You will need to provide the code in the follow-up survey for the webinar or email it to
  • Once you have submitted the code and your attendance time is verified, you will receive an email from, American Bar Association’s CLE processing program, within two weeks. You may request CLE and certificates of attendance from multiple states.

CLE on Demand Process

NCBA must verify that we provide the following measurements for the certification requirements:

  1. Time Tracking – the video must be viewed in its entirety which is measured by the program. Fast forwarding disqualifies the viewer from eligibility for credit.
  2. Participation Code – this code is randomly (by the system) placed within the video for the viewer. Save the letter code when prompted on the program. There is an audio and visual prompt. You may also manually input the code via the credit tab AT THE CONCLUSION of watching the program in its entirety.
  3. Evaluation – NCBA must provide a survey for the participant to evaluate the program. This task is optional for the participant.

Our CLE On Demand platform is automated. The system generates a weekly report to ABA MCLE of those Members who met the program CLE requirements. ABA MCLE then sends the member a unique/person specific affidavit link from Members must complete the affidavit and the state(s) for which they are requesting credit. There is an option for a non-CLE certificate of attendance as well. The certificate of attendance is generated immediately.

Conference CLE Process

To obtain your Certificate of Completion or request credit for your participation at an NCBA conference:

  • You must sign in (and out for NY) at the CLE table EACH DAY of the conference to receive credit for sessions on that day! Failure to sign in/out may result in denial of CLE credits.
  • You will need to complete a CLE affidavit. You will receive the affidavit link via email from once we verify your participation. (Please whitelist and check your spam folders.) Your certificate(s) will be available for download when you complete the affidavit, and they will be emailed to you as well. You will only receive one CLE affidavit link for the entire conference.
  • Requests for CLE must be completed within 10 days of the completion of the program to ensure that credit will be available to you.
  • If your state allows the sponsor, ABA MCLE, to report your CLE attendance, they will do so within 30 days of your completion of the CLE affidavit. Details on attendance reporting will be included on the Certificate of Completion. If you have any questions, you can email