Advocacy Update & Advocacy Support Fund Debrief


We look forward to our upcoming Hill Day 2022 meetings scheduled on March 29, and we appreciate all who are participating this year and our sponsors of the event—AACANet and KnovaOne.

As a follow up, we are holding an Advocacy Debrief, exclusively for Advocacy Support Fund (ASF) members, on April 7 from 1:00-1:30 p.m. ET. We hope all our ASF members will join us and our DC consultants for updates on our recent legislative and regulatory advocacy efforts including:

  • Our initiative with the American Bar Association (ABA) continues to gain momentum. The proposed "Restoring Court Authority Over Litigation Act" text was resubmitted and approved by the Congressional Office of Legislative Counsel.
  • Rep. Al Lawson (D 5th FL)'s H.R. 6814 which looks to include certain commercial loans under the FDCPA. We have learned from Rep. Lawson’s legislative team that the specifics of this bill remain fluid. The lack of peer support for the bill, as currently written, is among the reasons Rep. Lawson’s team has held off on soliciting co-sponsors. We will have a better understanding of the bill’s prospects once the revised bill’s text becomes available. It is clear that the bill in its current state will not move forward.
  • During this past month’s meeting with the CFPB, we provided feedback on Regulation F implementation and identified some areas where NCBA members have expressed concern or need clarification from the CFPB. We hope to have the CFPB in-person at our May conference.

ASF members’ support, has been invaluable in NCBA’s efforts to educate lawmakers and regulators. To support our 2022 advocacy, please consider contributions to the NCBA PAC and/or joining NCBA's Advocacy Support Fund membership.

If you are interested in participating in the Advocacy Debrief or have any questions about NCBA's advocacy, contact Nathan Willner at