
News & Updates from NCBA

Articles News Podcasts

Nominations for Officers and Directors: 2021 NCBA Election Notice
Nominations for Officers and Directors: 2021 NCBA Election Notice

The election for the office of NCBA President-elect, Treasurer, Secretary, and six NCBA Directors will be on Thursday, October 14, 2021. Voting will be held from Tuesday, October 12, 2021 at 12:00 Noon CENTRAL through Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 3:00pm CENTRAL. Voting will take place concurrent... Continue Reading

Date posted06/28/2021

NCBA Requests CFPB Issue Advisory Opinion
NCBA Requests CFPB Issue Advisory Opinion

NCBA filed a request for an advisory opinion with the CFPB regarding the disclosure of interest and fees on the Model Validation Notice. Continue Reading

Date posted06/17/2021

NCBA launches Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Peer-to-Peer Forum
NCBA launches Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Peer-to-Peer Forum

NCBA is excited to announce the first meeting of peer-to-peer compliance discussions on best practices and the challenges of efficient implementation. Peer-to-Peer discussions offer an opportunity to explore fresh strategies and tips that can improve a firm’s compliance program. Regardless... Continue Reading

Date posted06/10/2021

CFPB Deputy Associate Director Dan Sokolov Address at NCBA Conference
CFPB Deputy Associate Director Dan Sokolov Address at NCBA Conference

Thank you, all, for joining us in Orlando last week. You made the NCBA 2021 Spring Conference a great success. One of the highlights includes our discussion with CFPB Deputy Associate Director of Research, Markets, & Regulation, Dan Sokolov led by NCBA’s Liz Terry. Continue Reading

Date posted05/27/2021

NCBA is Working to Coordinate Industry Efforts to Respond to Hunstein Ruling
NCBA is Working to Coordinate Industry Efforts to Respond to Hunstein Ruling

The recent ruling in the Hunstein v. Preferred Collection has created serious concern across all segments of the creditors rights industry. Continue Reading

Date posted05/6/2021

Successful 2021 Virtual Hill Days Reaffirms NCBA as the Voice for Creditors Rights Attorneys
Successful 2021 Virtual Hill Days Reaffirms NCBA as the Voice for Creditors Rights Attorneys

NCBA’s Virtual Hill Days included more than a dozen meetings with Members of Congress and their staff from both sides of the aisle and from both the House and Senate. This event was a great success because of the participation of more than 2 dozen NCBA member attorneys and staff who... Continue Reading

Date posted04/29/2021

Eleventh Circuit Holds that FDCPA Prohibits Use of Letter Vendors
Eleventh Circuit Holds that FDCPA Prohibits Use of Letter Vendors

By Manuel H. Newburger, Esq., Barron & Newburger, PC In the decision issued on April 21, 2021, the United States Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit held that: a violation of Section 1692c(b) of the FDCPA gives rise to a concrete injury in fact sufficient to confer standing under Article... Continue Reading

Postedby Manuel H Newburger
Date posted04/22/2021

Legislative Update
Legislative Update

The House Financial Services Committee (HFSC) will hold its first markup of the 117th Congress on April 20, 2021. We expect a focus on budget views and estimates and for the Committee to reauthorize the FinTech and Artificial Intelligence Task Forces. HEROES Act debt collection moratorium bills... Continue Reading

Date posted04/15/2021

Message from NCBA President: See You in Orlando!
Message from NCBA President: See You in Orlando!

Greetings NCBA Members, Happy Easter and Passover to you and yours! It is hard to believe that by the time I see you in Orlando it will have been 19 months since many of us have seen each other in person. When we were last together at the 2019 Fall Conference in Washington, D.C., I was welcomed... Continue Reading

Postedby Mark Groves
Date posted04/1/2021

NCBA Advocacy: 3 Great Ways to Be Involved
NCBA Advocacy: 3 Great Ways to Be Involved

NCBA Virtual Hill Days | April 27-28 Help us make an impact on Capitol Hill! Meeting virtually with Members of Congress in 2021 is a top priority for NCBA. This is an opportunity to educate and advance creditors rights issues in a substantial way. We hope you will join us, virtually,... Continue Reading

Date posted03/25/2021

NCBA Joins CFPB, Members of Congress, and Other Industry Trade Associations to Support Legislation
NCBA Joins CFPB, Members of Congress, and Other Industry Trade Associations to Support Legislation

Exempting Direct Stimulus Payments from Bank Garnishment Continue Reading

Date posted03/18/2021

Subcontractor Oversight Q&A with Stratus Payments
Subcontractor Oversight Q&A with Stratus Payments

NCBA’s Subcontractor Oversight Program is beneficial to both law firms and vendors who participate in third party assessments. NCBA Executive Director Liz Terry and NCBA Industry Partner Dave Worton, Managing Member of Stratus Payment Solutions spoke about the benefits of the program for the... Continue Reading

Date posted03/11/2021