2021 Elections

Candidate Statements and Voting Details

By: Brian Cloud and Michael Stillman
Co-Chairs: NCBA Elections Committee

Exciting times at NCBA as we move into our elections season! Voting will take place concurrently with the NCBA 2021 Fall Conference beginning Tuesday, October 12, 2021, at noon (CDT)/1:00 p.m. (EDT) and concluding Thursday, October 14, 2021 at 3:00 p.m. (CDT)/4:00 p.m. (EDT).

Once again, NCBA will be using on-line voting for the 2021 Elections. This will allow for greater participation by all NCBA member law firms who may or may not be able to have an attorney present at the Fall Conference. Voting times are listed above. If you are unable to vote during those times, an absentee ballot is available for the primary attorney contact that NCBA has on record for each firm. You can request an absentee ballot by emailing nicola@creditorsbar.org. Absentee ballots must be returned to us via email at membership@creditorsbar.org by close of business on Monday, October 11, 2021.

Details regarding e-voting will be sent to the primary attorney contact that NCBA has on record for each law firm member on Tuesday, October 12, 2021, when voting begins. The email will contain the firm’s unique Elector ID and generated password, along with a link to the voting website. If you will not be voting on behalf of your firm, you may forward to the attorney who will be voting.

Each NCBA law firm member has one vote and one vote only. Only NCBA Law firm members are eligible to vote. (In-House Counsel Members are not eligible to vote.)

Candidate Statements

(The order of appearance of Directors below was drawn by lottery.)


Alison Walters - Ras LaVrar LLC - Candidate Statement

Joy Jackson - Faber & Brand, LLC - Candidate Statement

Michele Gagnon - Lyons Doughty & Veldhuis, P.C. - Candidate Statement

Stacy Stein - Mountain Peak Law Group, PC - Candidate Statement

Brit Suttell - Barron & Newburger, P.C. - Candidate Statement

Crystal Duplay - Lawgix Lawyers, LLC - Candidate Statement

David Rothman - Rubin & Rothman, LLC - Candidate Statement

Thomas Canary - Keith D. Weiner & Assocs. - Candidate Statement

Yale Levy - Levy & Associates, LLC - Candidate Statement


Barbara Nilsen - Blitt & Gaines, P.C. - Candidate Statement


Scott Morris - Tromberg, Morris & Poulin PLLC - Candidate Statement


Steve Markoff - Markoff Law LLC - Candidate Statement

Thank you for your continued support of NCBA and make sure that your firm casts its vote!
Brian Cloud, NCBA Elections Co-Chair

Cloud Willis & Ellis, LLC


Michael Stillman, NCBA Elections Co-Chair

Stillman Law Office
