The Challenges Faced by Women in Consumer Finance
Recorded November 5, 2018
NCBA Associate Executive Director Robin Cole talked to Amy Perkins, Chief of Content & Industry Intelligence at insideARM about the upcoming Women in Consumer Finance conference to be held December 10th - 12th in Baltimore, Maryland. The conference will focus on some of top challenges women in the industry are facing, and how they can overcome them in their workplace and careers. Robin, along with NCBA Past-President Joann Needleman with Clark Hill PLC, Heather J. Bentley with Citizens Bank, and Rhonda L. Nelson with Severson & Werson, will be leading a session titled Storytime: Just Freaking Own It Already!
Robin Cole, Associate Executive Director, National Creditors Bar Association
Robin Cole is the Associate Executive Director of National Creditors Bar Association (NCBA), where her responsibilities include oversight of recruitment and retention of members, member relations, internal and external marketing and overseeing operations, as needed. Previously, Robin was an Escrow Officer and District Manager for a Fidelity National Title subsidiary, where she was responsible for the largest closing the company had done to date - $64 million. During the refi boom and housing bubble in Florida in the 90s and following her two daughters’ births, Robin negotiated a flex schedule with Fidelity, which was a first for the national company. Her work ethic is what got her request taken seriously however, she credits her mentors in the company and their willingness to try something new to help a sister out, that helped to make the transition a success.
Amy Perkins, Chief of Content & Industry Intelligence, insideARM
Amy is a collections and recovery veteran with twenty years of collections and recovery experience. She has intentionally steered her career in a way that has gained her experience in all facets of the business; operations, strategy, risk and compliance. Over half of her career has been focused on strategy and pushing the envelope to modernize the collections approach and improve the customer experience. Amy currently serves as an industry ambassador with insideARM, as the Co-Executive Director of the Consumer Relations Consortium and Innovation Councils, as well as leading annual leadership summits aimed at advancing the industry.
Amy started her career at NCO Group, where she ultimately led all aspects of call center operations; managing performance and client relationships. She went on to work for Bank of America for eight years in a variety of executive leadership roles across credit card collections and recovery. Before joining insideARM, Amy spent four years leading enterprise collections strategies for all products at Citizens Bank.
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