NCBA launches Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) Peer-to-Peer Forum


NCBA is excited to announce the first meeting of peer-to-peer compliance discussions on best practices and the challenges of efficient implementation. Peer-to-Peer discussions offer an opportunity to explore fresh strategies and tips that can improve a firm’s compliance program.

Regardless of firm size, compliance is a critical focus of NCBA law firms.  Whether a firm has a dedicated CCO or another firm employee assumes this responsibility, compliance can often be confusing and even more challenging to implement operationally. 

Members of this forum will meet regularly and we will begin with topics related to the implementation of the CFPB’s Final Debt Collection Rule including:

  • F’s model validation notice 
  • MAI operational best practices
  • Firm Websites 
  • Electronic Communications (e-mail, text messages)
  • Bona fide error defenses
  • Consumer Complaints 
  • Telephone communications- voice mail, limited content messages, call caps 

By providing a transparent, confidential, and open discussion, peer discussion is a great way to target areas of improvement and brainstorm solutions for compliance challenges.

While Compliance Officers and others responsible for compliance at their firms have already registered to participate in this forum, there are still openings available for those who remain interested.

For more information or to join this group, please e-mail