NCBA Bylaws’ Committee Offers Amendments


Please see the red-line version of the proposed amended NCBA Bylaws. The Bylaws Committee in its annual review encountered provisions that required clarification. The proposed amendments were prepared in conjunction with the Board of Directors' guidance and review.

Pursuant to NCBA Bylaws, Article XIV, Sections 1 and 2, the Board of Directors may amend the Bylaws, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote if notice of the proposed amendments are sent at least fourteen (14) days before the Board vote to Law Firm Members for any comments. 

As the proposed Amendments do not afffect changes to the name of the organization, the voting classes, the structure of the Governing Body or the Board of Directors; or extends the term of a Director beyond that for which the Director was elected; or changes the procedure to amend these Bylaws, a vote of the majority of voting NCBA members is not required. 

We would like to thank the Bylaws Committee Chairs, Marvin Dang and David Weimer and the Committee Members, Bill Hicks, Craig Noack and Rachel VanHorn for the many hours they committed to draft and amend the Bylaws. 

Please do not hesitate to contact us at with any questions or comments you may have regarding this matter.

Proposed Amended Bylaws