PRESS release Archive
- 10/9/2018: NCBA Presents Awards & Scholarships at 2018 Fall Conference
- 10/5/2018: Manuel Newburger is the 2018 NCBA Member of the Year
- 10/5/2018: Weltman, Weinberg & Reis, Co., LPA Receives 2018 NCBA President’s Award
- 10/5/2018: 2018 NCBA Scholarships Awarded to Three College Students
- 10/5/2018: Bass & Associates, P.C. Receives 2018 NCBA Community Service Award
- 10/5/2018: Texas Creditors Bar Association Receives 2018 NCBA Outstanding SCBA Award
- 10/5/2018: Representatives Alex Mooney and Vicente Gonzalez Receive Prestigious 2018 NCBA Donald Kramer Award
- 8/9/2018: a360inc and National Creditors Bar Association Announce National Partnership
- 7/26/2018: NCBA Member Prevails in Meaningful Attorney Involvement Case (Read the decision here.)
- 5/9/2018: In Memoriam - Don Kramer, Founder of NARCA, Passes
- 4/16/2018: National Creditors Bar Association is the New Identity of NARCA
- 3/14/2018: NCBA Response to ACLU Report - The Criminalization of Debt
- 10/13/2017: NARCA Elects New Officers and Board Members; Yale Levy Sworn in As President
- 10/13/2017: 2017 NARCA Awards & Scholarships Recipients Announced
- 10/13/2017: American Bar Association Receives Prestigious 2017 Donald Kramer Award
- 10/13/2017: Alane Becket, Mark Groves Receive 2017 NARCA President's Awards
- 10/13/2017: Tobin & Marohn Receives the NARCA 2017 Community Service Award
- 10/13/2017: Maryland-DC Creditors Bar Association Awarded the NARCA 2017 Outstanding SCBA Award
- 10/13/2017: 2017 NARCA Scholarships Awarded to Four College Students
- 11/2/2016: NARCA Elects New President-Elect and Board of Directors Members
- 11/2/2016: Connecticut Creditors Bar Association Awarded the NARCA 2016 Outstanding SCBA Award
- 11/2/2016: Owings Mills, MD Attorney Nathan Willner Receives 2016 NARCA President’s Award
- 11/2/2016: The Conference of Chief Justices, Civil Justice Improvements Committee Receives Prestigious Donald Kramer Award
- 11/2/2016: Three College Students Are Recipients of 2016 NARCA Scholarships
- 11/2/2016: Two Law Firms Share the NARCA 2016 Community Service Award
- 5/25/2016: NARCA Executive Director Mark Dobosz Signs Three-Year Contract Extension
- 5/20/2016: Seventh Circuit Confirms Debt Collectors Are No Different Than Any Other Plantiff
- 3/11/2016: Bad Apples Practice Reputational Theft on Good Professionals
- 1/15/2016: Lessons Learned from the Linebarger Settlement
- 12/29/2015: HANNA Settlement Agreement
- 12/28/2015: Frederick J Hanna Decision
- 11/5/2015: NARCA Supports Eliminating Bad Players
- 11/2/2015: 2015 NARCA President's Award Presented to Three Industry Leaders
- 10/22/2015: Harvey Moore Takes the Reins as NARCA President
- 10/22/2015: NARCA Elects New Board of Directors and Officer Members
- 10/22/2015: North Carolina Creditors Bar Association Awarded the NARCA 2015 Outstanding SCBA Award
- 10/22/2015: President Harvey Moore to Represent NARCA at Next Debt Collection Dialogue
- 10/21/2015: Chicago Attorney Steve Markoff Receives 2015 NARCA President's Award
- 10/21/2015: Kohn Law Firm Awarded the NARCA 2015 Community Service Award
- 10/20/2015: Stephanie Eidelman Receives Prestigious Donald Kramer Award
- 10/20/2015: NARCA Awards $7,000 in Scholarships to Three College Students
- 4/23/2015: NARCA Staff Member Named Associate Executive Director
- 2/16/2015: NARCA Announces Agenda for 2015 Spring Collection Conference